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15 Facts You Didn’t Know About Aluminium
At Betaview, we believe Aluminium is the absolute best material to use for your windows and doors. We know it has amazing properties, is strong, won’t rust, and won’t warp or discolour, but we thought we’d share with you some of the reasons why aluminium truly is impressive, not just in what we do, but for the whole world!
#1 – Aluminium is not found in pure form in nature.
Inside the Earth’s Crust, of which Aluminium accounts for approximately 8% of total mass, resides over 270 different materials that make up Aluminium. The primary ore is called bauxite.
#2 – It’s the most abundant metal in the world.
It’s used in an enormously diverse range of products. Arguably the most recognised is aluminium foil, or the humble soft drink can. It’s also used in planes, HiFi products, and of course high quality doors and windows.
#3 – Ancient Romans & Greeks frequently used Aluminium.
It was used as an astringent and to dye clothes.
#4 – First isolated in 1825
Aluminium was first isolated in 1825 by Hans Christian Oersted, a Danish physicist and chemist. Oersted is also famous for discovering the relationship between electricity and magnetism.
Hans Christian Oersted
#5 – It was once considered more valuable than Gold.
As there was no commercially viable way to isolate and create aluminium for general purpose, it was considered the most valuable metal in the world until the late 1800’s. Notable examples include Napoleon III, who served his most distinguished guests with plates and cutlery crafted from Aluminium. Other guests of lower prestige were given sets of gold and silver.
#6 – The process for creating commercially viable Aluminium was invented in 1886 and is still used today.
The process of Aluminium creation was amazingly invented simultaneously in 1886 by two scientists on different sides of the world. An American, Charles Martin Hall from Ohio, and a Frenchman, Paul L.T. Heroult, from Paris. In recognition of their joint accomplishment, the process is known as the Hall-Heroult Process.
Charles Martin Hall
Paul L.T. Heroult
#7 – The USA called it Aluminium up until 1925.
“Aluminium” is the international spelling standard of the metal according to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. The USA even had that spelling until 1925 when the American Chemical Society reverted back to “Aluminum” which is still the nomenclature in the USA.
#8 – There’s Aluminium on the moon.
Aluminium makes up roughly 7% of the lunar soil on the moon, along with numerous other materials. This presents the possibility of mining on the moon in the future.
#9 – Aluminium actively resists corrosion.
Aluminium does not rust or corrode. The reason for this is that it oxidizes (loses electrons) very easily, but instead of rusting like iron, aluminium oxide coats the original metal, protecting it from damage.
#10 – Many precious gems consist of aluminium compounds.
Rubies, Sapphires, and Emeralds are comprised primarily of aluminium compounds, as are turquoise, topaz, jade and aquamarine gems.
#11 – Aluminium is incredibly recyclable.
On average, it takes just 5% of the original effort of creation to recycle Aluminium.
#12 – A standard Boeing-747 contains 66,000 kilograms of Aluminium.
Insert “how do those things even stay in the air?” comment here.
#13 – Aluminium cans don’t last long off the shelf.
An aluminium can spends an average of 60 days between being bought at a supermarket,discarded, recycled, re-processed, and finally placed back on the local supermarket shelf as new to sell again.
#14 – On the topic of cans… they’re incredibly strong.
24 aluminium cans (4 x 6 packs) can support 4,000 pounds (1,814 Kg’s) of weight. That’s about the average weight of most cars.
#15 – Most of the Aluminium ever created is still being used today.
Approximately 75% of all Aluminium ever created, is still in use today. Mainly due to its durability and recyclability.
Aluminium Door & Window Experts | BetaView
As you can see from the above, Aluminium is indeed a magical material. Its strength, inability to rust or corrode, and its stunning looks make it the ideal solution for your home’s new windows and doors. Discover the vast array of options available to you from Betaview, and book your complimentary consultation today.
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