Every year, Australians waste millions of total dollars in energy loss. Drafty windows, old door seals, poor insulation, and inefficient roof coverings are just a few of the…

Replacing old windows with Aluminium Windows in your Sydney home
Replacing your windows can be a confusing and difficult subject for people who know little about the process. When replacing your old warped, draughty wooden windows with aluminium windows there are several things you should take into consideration first before making a final decision.
You should be thinking about the style you are after, safety aspects for security, and comfort. Your new aluminium windows should have a combination of these factors to make your home a safer and more comfortable environment to live in.
If you are not doing DIY window replacement then you are probably considering hiring a contractor to do the work for you. A window replacement contractor should know what kind of windows are needed to best replace the old wooden framed windows and also they should be skilled and qualified to install the windows professionally.
You should be cautious when dealing with contractors and watch out for fly by night cowboys who offer a quote on the job that seems too good to be true. This type of contractor may offer substantial savings up front and his quote may be considerably lower than the other quotes you get, but you will end up paying more in the long run for shoddy workmanship and inferior materials.
There are also 2 options to consider when you are replacing your old windows for aluminium windows, utilizing both options for your window replacements will only be to your advantage:
- The first option is called U-Value here in Australia. The U-value is a measurement that indicates how much heat that can be transferred through your new windows. The lower the U-value indicates how much better the insulation properties are for that window, and how efficient it is in keeping the hot Australian heat and the extreme cold out.
Aluminium windows with good insulation properties will always improve the comfort level in your home during all seasons.
- The next option is SHGC (Solar Heat Gain Co-efficient) is a way of measuring the volume of solar radiation that passes through your new replacement aluminium windows. Windows that have a higher SHGC mean higher volumes of solar radiation will pass through that window, in winter this will help heat your house for free with more solar heat than a normal window.
Remember to ask your aluminium window replacement contractor all of your questions and requirements before committing to the final contract. You should make a list of everything you need to know and require for the job.
Ask family and friends who have had old windows replaced about any problems they encountered or questions that in hindsight they should have covered before the job was started.
Betaview Aluminium Windows & Doors offer free expert advice with all on site quotations. We’re always happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have. Call us on (02) 9623 5611 for more information.
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